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The Legacy and the Promise, a grandfather's blessing for his grandson on his birth

Written by Arthur, Aharon Ben Tzvi, Grandfather. Printed with permission

The Legacy and The Promise

In honor of the birth of Eli,

June 7, 2014; 9 Sivan 5774

Father's Day

'Baruch HaBa', 'Blessed be he who comes.'

I hear your call and rush forward to greet you and the world.

I am Eli Zvi ben Ari, ben Aharon, ben Tzvi, ben Yakov, ben Meir Aharon,

both the legacy and the promise.

The legacy of all of my line, and our people from the before,

who struggled so, and endured such difficult hardships,

so that I could be here today to enter into the convenant

and honor their lives and memory.

I know that all of my before are also gathered here now,

in this room with us,

to both share the joy of the moment and to bear witness.

I am also the promise.

The promise to all who will come after

that I will do my best to honor the aspirations and memory of the before,

and always endeavor to advance the possibilities

and hopes of ours yet to come.

I am keeper of the word,

the next link in the unbroken chain of our people,

committed to always remembering and protecting the word,

and fulfillinf its meaning to make the world a far better place.

My blessed parents,

whose love has given me the precious breath of life,

have honored me with the Hebrew name Eli Zvi,

in memory of my great grandfather who was a wise,

and devoted father, husband and grandfather.

Please know that the depth of your unconditional love and

devotion will always be the twin of mine for you.

And in everything that I try I will always do my best.

Grandpa Arthur

Aharon Ben Tzvi


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